T4MEDIA. GmbH Legal Notice
Seelbergstr. 23-25
70372 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 52089930
Fax: +49 711 52089959
Email: info@t4media.de
Online: https://www.t4media.de
Management: Thomas Müller
Registry court: Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Register number: HRB 21422
Turnover tax identification number
(under § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz) DE 212619272
Responsible for Content
(under § 55 Abs. 2 RStV) Thomas Müller
Data Protection
T4MEDIA. meets the requirements of the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG). Personal data, i.e. Statements by means of which a natural person can be immediately identified, or which allow their identification, are not collected automatically by us.
Adobe Sitecatalyst
We use Adobe SiteCatalyst ™, an analysis service provided by Adobe Inc. Details of the product can be found at http://www.omniture.com/en/privacy/product. Through SiteCatalyst, we process general website traffic patterns, preferably visited pages, referring web pages, referring search engines, campaign success rates, and abandonment rates. Site Catalyst uses, among other things, so-called “cookies”, text files that are stored on your computer. In addition, SiteCatalyst also uses so-called ClearGifs (sometimes called “Web Beacons”). This is usually a transparent graphic (usually 1 pixel x 1 pixel) placed on a site. Clear GIFs are used in conjunction with cookies to help SiteCatalyst understand how users interact with the Site. A detailed description of cookies and ClearGifs on SiteCatalyst can be found at http://www.omniture.com/en/privacy/product. We also process IP addresses through SiteCatalyst. The IP address is obscured by SiteCatalyst. The transfer of data occurs regularly to Adobe’s systems in the US or other countries. If you do not wish to process data in the aforementioned form, you may object to processing at http://www.omniture.com/en/privacy/product#optout. For this a cookie is set on your computer.
For information, requests or suggestions on data protection at T4MEDIA. We are available to you at info@t4media.de.